Getting Started in Western-action Shooting

Posted on June 4th, 2011 by Admin

SHOOT! Magazine’s Guide to
GETTING STARTED in Western-action Shooting

When was the last time you watched a western movie?  Have you ever thought you would like to play cowboy like you did as a kid?  Have you ever wanted to take your family or a friend out to an old-time town dinner and dance dressed up in Victorian clothes?  What about galloping on a horse with your sixguns blazing?  Well, now’s your chance!

Western-action shooting is the fastest growing shooting sport in the world.  It is friendly, family oriented, competitive, and really fun!  Come with us and enjoy the world of cowboy action shooting, buffalo matches, cowboy fast draw, black powder cartridge rifle silhouette, cowboy mounted shooting, and more.  Come play cowboy with real guns and ammunition in a safe atmosphere, and bring your family and friends along, too.

There are a variety of items that are required in Western-action shooting; however, the most important is your desire and interest, as any local club will be more than happy to help you out with the rest.  They will usually even loan you the sixguns, leverguns, shotguns, and other items needed to shoot!  So, the first thing we recommend that you do after reading up on the type of shooting you are interested in is to find a local match in your area, attend a shoot to see how it’s done, let them know you are interested, and ask for help.

We will briefly cover all of the subjects pertaining to how you can get started in this guide.  More in-depth information is provided in our magazine, as well as books and videos that are available through the SHOOT! Mercantile.  If you don’t find what you need here or have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (208) 368-9920 or e-mail us and we will be glad to help you.

Please select one of the Western-action Shooting Guides below to get started:

Getting Started in Cowboy Action Shooting

Getting Started in Cowboy Fast Draw

Getting Started in Cowboy Mounted Shooting